Eureka Co. Oct 2016 - NV
Greetings. This website contains a variety of Ghost Town, Mining Camp and Historical Site photos. While many of the historical sites may not qualify as ghost towns or mining camps, I’ve included them because of the historical richness in their architecture, structures and surroundings.
Photos contained within this website vary with age and quality. I’ve decided to include some photos which go back in time up to 30 years for reference, so the sharpness or clarity of those will be poorer. I am updating photos when I am able, so check back regularly. Images and text presented on this website are protected by the copyright and intellectual property laws of the United States. You have permission to use for your own research or comparison but not reposting on the web without prior consent.
Danger! Structures and mines can be very dangerous to explore. The website owner / operator is not liable for any mishaps, injuries or death sustained during your travels. Keep your kids and pets on a leash! Use common sense and travel prepared. Please respect these historical sites.
Purpose. There are several reasons for this website. The primary one is to disseminate what photos I have and maybe a little information too if I get around to it. During my “rounds” the last 30 years plus, it’s been amazing to “see” what has disappeared, burned down or crumbled to the ground. In the “Rephotography” section (see sidebar) there are some examples of some serious change. Ok, moving on; You’ll note that a few locations aren’t given. The hope is that these places will be discovered by individuals the good old fashioned way and that maybe these places will exist a little bit longer as well. Happy Exploring.

Generally this is Good Advice! Make wise choices and be safe.